Ms. Ayres has coached and advised CEO’s and their top teams on Leadership, Governance, Organizational Alignment, Corporate Culture and Communications.

Every organization, be it small or large, faces opportunities and upsets due to changes in the marketplace (both anticipated and unforeseen), as well as internal management challenges. An experienced advisor can help the enterprise to identify and tackle difficult issues by strengthening the executive team’s ability to detect and address emerging issues—both internal and external.

Ms. Ayres has a track record in serving CEO’s in this capacity as they encountered major change—through mergers, customer demands, regulatory hurdles and market dynamics. Early in her career, she trained at Harvard University with Ronald Heifitz, a global authority in the exercise of Leadership.

Her approach is founded on three pillars:

  • The Practice of Leadership—A commitment to engaging colleagues and priority stakeholders in designing solutions. Knowing how and when to adapt one’s Leadership style. Demonstrating a willingness to listen to both positive and negative feedback.
  • Organizational Design & Clarity of Roles—The architecture needed to assure that the team is aligned and well positioned to ride the waves of market disruptions and stakeholder interventions.
  • Good Governance Practices—The infrastructure and resiliency for ensuring a disciplined and inclusive approach to decision-making should be embedded at both the management and Board levels.

Navigating Complexity, Resolving Conflict, Establishing New Partnerships

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